McCain blames Navy ‘accidents’ on Obama-era military cuts

‘US Republican Senator John McCain says military cuts over the past years were the primary reason behind the recent deadly “accidents” involving US Navy warships USS John McCain and USS Fitzgerald in Asia.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has revealed that American sailors on board lacked critical training in both collisions, which killed a total of 17 sailors from the US Navy’s Japan-based 7th Fleet.
“Whenever you cut defense capabilities, the first thing that goes is the training and the readiness, because that’s easy enough to cancel,” McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Service Committee, told CBS on Sunday.
“When you really look at how much time they have at actual training and readiness, it’s continued to shrink,” McCain said. “We have accident after accident after accident. We are killing more Americans in uniform in training than we are in engagement with the enemy. That’s not acceptable.”’
Read more: McCain blames Navy ‘accidents’ on Obama-era military cuts

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