Merck’s President Led A Biological Warfare Program Against Americans

‘Merck and Co created the HPV vaccine Gardasil, the MMR vaccine, and others. During the peak of WWII, George W. Merck, president of Merck and Co was in charge of the War Research Service, the biological warfare division of the larger Federal Security Agency. George W. Merck led the biological warfare department for almost half a decade, during the same years he was the president of Merck and Co. His trusting customers had no idea he was in charge of a secret biowarfare program.
His War Research Service was in charge of Ft. Detrick. Dozens of academic institutions in the US participated in the War Research Service: the same prestigious institutions that promoted eugenics during the decades leading up to World War II, such as Harvard and Stanford. Ft. Detrick was a center of mad science that would culminate into biological warfare experiments on Americans: spraying San Francisco with the infertility causing bacteria Serratia marcescens.’
Read more: Merck’s President Led A Biological Warfare Program Against Americans

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