Mutiny on abortion: Hundreds of doctors revolt over secret plans which would allow ‘free for all’ terminations ‘up until birth’

‘More than 600 doctors are in revolt over moves by one of the country’s top medical colleges to back abortion on demand.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) will today hold a secret vote to relax the laws governing the procedure.
Their president, Professor Lesley Regan, believes terminations should be treated the same as any other medical procedure. But although the RCOG represents 6,000 senior doctors in England specialising in childbirth and women’s health, only 33 members of the body’s council will take part in the behind-closed-doors ballot.
A group of 650 doctors have now signed a letter to Professor Regan objecting to her ‘extreme’ views. The practitioners – including those who do not belong to the RCOG – say it is ‘completely unacceptable’ that the majority of members are being denied the chance to vote.’
Read more: Mutiny on abortion: Hundreds of doctors revolt over secret plans which would allow ‘free for all’ terminations ‘up until birth’

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