Nikki Haley – ‘Political Prostitute’

‘She’s a neocon Ziofascist geopolitical know-nothing – the most unqualified ever US UN envoy, an embarrassment to the position she holds.
Paul Craig Roberts calls her an “imbecile,” “mindless” and “stupid…the total antithesis of a diplomat.”
Reportedly she’s Trump’s choice to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, his departure likely by year end or sooner.
Clearly he wants out. He erred taking the job, the former ExxonMobil CEO sidelined to irrelevancy, hawkish generals in charge of US geopolitical policies.
Haley is a brainless Hillary clone, a recklessly dangerous hawk, militantly anti-Russia, cheerleading America’s wars of aggression, threatening Iran and North Korea.’
Read more: Nikki Haley – ‘Political Prostitute’

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