North Korea crisis: Trump and South Korea to ‘maximise pressure’ on Pyongyang as Trump approves multi-billion dollar weapons deal

‘Donald Trump and his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in have agreed to “maximise pressure” on Pyongyang after the US President approved a weapons deal with Seoul worth billions of dollars.
Mr Trump pledged to strengthen joint military efforts and approved to lift restrictions on South Korea’s missile payload capabilities.
The two leaders spoke on the phone, and said they would “use all means at their disposal” to up pressure on North Korea.
The news comes after Mr Trump has lambasted China for “failing” to help in the effort against North Korea and the US ambassador for the UN, Nikki Haley, said North Korea’s leader is “begging for war”.
Ms Haley said at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council that the US would look at countries doing business with the regime and circulate a resolution this week and try and get it approved before 11 September.’
Read more: North Korea crisis: Trump and South Korea to ‘maximise pressure’ on Pyongyang as Trump approves multi-billion dollar weapons deal

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