North Korea sanctions ‘nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen’ – Trump

‘Donald Trump has expressed doubt that the new sanctions on Pyongyang will have “any impact,” but said it was “nice” of UNSC to unanimously approve the US-drafted resolution watered down to accommodate Russian-Chinese concerns.
“We think it’s just another very small step, not a big deal,” Trump told reporters at the start of his meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.
“I don’t know if it has any impact, but certainly it was nice to get a 15-to-nothing vote, but those sanctions are nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen,” said Trump, according to Reuters.
The US has still not ruled out a military option to halt North Korea’s nuclear development, the White House confirmed Tuesday.’
Read more: North Korea sanctions ‘nothing compared to what ultimately will have to happen’ – Trump

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