‘Obama warned Zuckerberg about fake news on Facebook’ – better take down everything Obama ever said, then

‘Former President Obama warned Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to start taking the influence of fake news on his platform seriously ahead of President Trump’s inauguration, The Washington Post reported Sunday.
Obama reportedly pulled Zuckerberg aside at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru in November and warned him that unless he cracked down on fake news, it would only get worse in the next election.
Zuckerberg told Obama that fake news wasn’t a major issue on Facebook and that there was no simple way to address it, sources told The Post.
Facebook is now facing intense scrutiny over its role in the 2016 election, after the company revealed it had sold roughly 3,000 political ads to Russia-based groups during the course of the election.’
Read more: ‘Obama warned Zuckerberg about fake news on Facebook’ – better take down everything Obama ever said, then

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