Opponents of Iraqi Kurdistan vote receive death threats

‘Members of the “No for Now” campaign, which calls for the postponement of the upcoming referendum on the independence of Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, say they have repeatedly received death threats and been physically intimidated.
The movement was founded by Shaswar Abdulwahid Qadir, a Kurdish businessman and the owner of a media conglomerate which includes NRT TV, in the city of Sulaymaniyah in August.
Earlier this month, gunmen stormed the NRT TV office in the Kurdish capital city of Arbil, climbed onto the roof of the building, tore down the channel’s logo and chanted slogans such as “Yes for referendum.”
The assailants further raised the flag of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and threatened to burn the building down.
“The threats are still there and constant,” Qadir told the Middle East Eye news portal, adding, “Me and my friends at the No For Now campaign are facing threats everyday.”’
Read more: Opponents of Iraqi Kurdistan vote receive death threats

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