Pentagon still preparing for global warming despite Trump’s order to stop

‘The Pentagon continues to take measures for protection of its bases against impacts of global warming although US President Donald Trump rescinded all climate-related federal agency actions directed by former President Barack Obama, a report says.
The initiatives that Trump killed in March included one that stipulated the Pentagon to be ready for extreme whether in the future operations, Military Times reported on Tuesday.
“A changing climate will have real impacts on our military and the way it executes its missions,” the Defense Department concluded in a 2014 report, dubbed a “climate change roadmap,” issued in the wake of Obama’s order. “The military could be called upon more often to support civil authorities … in the face of more frequent and more intense natural disasters.”
The report is reminiscent of these days of Texas and Florida, which have been heavily impacted by hurricanes Harvey and Irma.’
Read more: Pentagon still preparing for global warming despite Trump’s order to stop

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