Petrol bombs & tear gas in Athens at anniversary of Antifa rapper’s murder

‘Around 3,000 anti-fascist protesters marched through Athens on Saturday to pay tribute to activist rapper Pavlos Fyssas, killed by a far-right supporter in 2013. Police used tear gas in response to some demonstrators who threw petrol bombs at them.
Anti-fascist groups, representatives of unions, and migrants took part in the protest. People shouted “Pavlos is alive! Crush the Nazis!” Some carried banners demanding Golden Dawn members to be jailed.
The demonstrators, who gathered at Syntagma Square, passed the US Embassy and headed to the headquarters of the far-right, anti-immigrant Golden Dawn, calling for the offices of the party, which holds 17 seats in the Greek parliament, to be shut down.
Clashes erupted after dozens of hooded demonstrators broke off from the peaceful march, according to Reuters. The hooded youths set fire to several cars, damaged an ATM, and threw Molotov cocktails at riot police.
The violence was timed with the end of the main rally, Amna news agency reported. Eight people were detained after protesters hurled petrol bombs towards officers near the main offices of the Golden Dawn late Saturday, Amna said.’

Read more: Petrol bombs & tear gas in Athens at anniversary of Antifa rapper’s murder

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