Police fire tear gas to disperse election protesters in Kenya

‘Police in Kenya have used tear gas to disperse protesters angry at a Supreme Court ruling which invalidated President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election in August 8 votes.
A commotion erupted after police fired teargas at a gathering of protesters outside the court building in Nairobi on Tuesday.
Further rounds of teargas was used to disperse the protesters who tried to regroup and continue with their demonstration against the September 1 ruling which nullified the results of the presidential election over irregularities in tallying poll results and ordered a repeat of the vote within two months.
“I have attended this protest to air my grievances after the Supreme Court annulled my candidate’s victory,” said one protester wearing the bright red of Kenyatta’s Jubilee party.’
Read more: Police fire tear gas to disperse election protesters in Kenya

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