Puerto Rico faces months without electricity in wake of Hurricane Maria

‘Puerto Rico’s 3.5 million people have been warned they could be without electricity for months after the island was battered by Hurricane Maria.
President Donald Trump said Puerto Rico, a US territory, had been “absolutely obliterated” and was in “very, very, very tough shape”.
Mr Trump declared a major disaster, making federal government funds available, and said he would be visiting soon.
He said the recovery would start with “great gusto”.
Carmen Yulín Cruz, Mayor of the capital San Juan, said: “The San Juan that we knew yesterday is no longer there. We’re looking at four to six months without electricity.”
In San Juan, towering eucalyptus trees fell and residents described spending many hours huddled in stairwells as the storm raged.
It blew out windows at hospitals and police stations, destroyed homes, and turned some streets into roaring rivers.
Communities across Puerto Rico remained isolated and without communication as uprooted trees blocked roads, and people resorted to rafts and kayaks to get around.’
Read more: Puerto Rico faces months without electricity in wake of Hurricane Maria

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