Replies to outrageous article in The Sunday Times seeking to undermine Edward Heath investigation by misrepresenting abuse campaigner Robert Green

‘Dear Mr Lord,
I am writing to you today concerning the article published yesterday in the Sunday Times 24th September 2017 by reporters James Gillespie, Rosie Waterhouse and Tom Harper:
Fresh doubt over Heath sex inquiry .
This article is a blatant attempt to undermine Chief Constable Mike Veale’s investigation into Edward Heath before his report is released and it creates a false impression of Robert Green and the Hollie Greig case by describing Hollie’s allegations as fraudulent.
I have known Robert Green for several years and have assisted him in some small capacity with his campaign. He is a gentleman of integrity who weighs the evidence carefully and has based his campaign wholly on independent expert witness documentation.
You are well aware of much of this documentation, having been provided with copies by me over the last several years. I have enclosed a copy of the email Mr Green sent to James Gillespie last night, requesting clarification and a retraction in the next edition of the Sunday Times.’
Read more: Replies to outrageous article in The Sunday Times seeking to undermine Edward Heath investigation by misrepresenting abuse campaigner Robert Green

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