Republican plans to scrap Obamacare on verge of collapse as third senator comes out against bill

‘The latest attempt to scrap Obamacare was on the verge of collapse after a third Republican came out against the bill, denying it the 50 votes needed to get through the Senate.
In what will be a fresh blow to Donald Trump, it now appears unlikely that the measure, drawn up by Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, will even be put to a vote.
The bill had been hanging by a thread with John McCain and Rand Paul both making it clear that they would not support the bill.
Within minutes of the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office warning that the measure would leave millions of people without insurance a third senator, Susan Collins of Maine, said she would vote against the measure.’
Read more: Republican plans to scrap Obamacare on verge of collapse as third senator comes out against bill

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