Rohingya Genocide – Links To Corporatism, Geopolitics & Wahhabism

‘The humanitarian crisis in Myanmar is harrowing, with more than 150,000 Muslims having to flee the country in the recent months. The stories of persecution and ethnic cleansing are very troubling, although sporadic conflicts between Buddhists and Muslims in Myanmar have existed for many decades. While the mainstream media is focusing exclusively on the religious context of this story, they are completely missing – or deliberately avoiding – the potential roles of oil/gas pipelines, geopolitical US-China tug of war, and Saudi Arabia’s subversive influence in that region.
Let’s start with the obvious – the Western media is not going to shed crocodile tears for some people in a far away place such as Myanmar, unless there is some hidden agenda related to billions of dollars and the Deep State.’
Read more: Rohingya Genocide – Links To Corporatism, Geopolitics & Wahhabism

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