Ron Paul and Norman Singleton on Deal to Combine Hurricane Harvey Aid with Debt Ceiling Increase and a Continuing Resolution

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norman Singleton issued the following statements regarding the agreement to include a debt ceiling increase and a continuing resolution to fund the government for three months in the Hurricane Harvey relief legislation:

Ron Paul– The bipartisan deal to attach a debt ceiling increase and a three-month extension of government spending—this setting up another end-of-year spending spree— to the 7.9 billion dollar Hurricane Relief package shows that neither the Congressional leadership nor the Trump Administration is serious about cutting federal spending.

The effects of this deal will be felt by every American as the Federal Reserve is forced to further devalue the currency in order to monetize the increasing federal debt, bringing about a dollar crisis and the inevitable collapse of the welfare-warfare state.

Hopefully a majority of Senators will join my son Rand Paul in defeating this plan and offsetting the costs of flood relief with cuts in foreign aid. The American people need more representatives with the courage of Justin Amash, Thomas Massie and Andrew Biggs, the only members of the House to oppose putting the costs of Hurricane Harvey aide on the nation’s credit card.

Norman Singleton– The deal to combine Harvey funding with a debt ceiling increase and a three month continuing resolution represents everything the American people despise about Washington. Campaign for Liberty stands with Senator Rand Paul and all those working to stop this deal and make sure Congress pays for Hurricane Harvey relief with spending cuts.


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