Send in the tanks! Trump plans Fourth of July military parade on Pennsylvania Ave

‘Inspired by the French Bastille Day tradition, US President Donald Trump has said he may begin holding a military parade on Pennsylvania Avenue for America’s Independence Day celebrations, beginning next July.

Speaking alongside French President Emmanuel Macron during a joint press conference at the United Nations in New York, Trump said the idea was inspired by France’s festivities he witnessed during a state visit to Paris in July.
“It was one of the greatest parades I’ve ever seen,” Trump said Monday. “It was a tremendous thing for France, and for the spirit of France.”
“Because of what I witnessed, we might do something like that in Washington on July 4 down Pennsylvania Avenue,” he added, prompting guffaws from his French counterpart and the world’s press. The US president was insistent, however, saying that he was so impressed by the military might on display in Paris, that the US was going to have a parade of its own.’
Read more: Send in the tanks! Trump plans Fourth of July military parade on Pennsylvania Ave

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