Shocking video shows a UC Berkeley campus cop taking all the earnings of a hot dog vendor because he didn’t have a permit – and now people are raising thousands to cover his losses

‘A video showing a UC Berkeley bicycle officer citing a bacon hot dog vendor on campus and removing cash from his wallet for operating without a permit has gone viral.
In the video, taken by alumnus Martin Flores on Saturday afternoon, a UCPD officer is seen pulling cash out of the vendor’s wallet and folding it into his hand.
The vendor objects and stands by as the officer puts the money away and begins to write a citation.
In a statement released Monday, UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor Scott Biddy said vendors typically are given warnings before a citation and explained what prompted the officer to intervene.
“We have instructed our officers to monitor illegal vending outside our event venues. This action has been motivated at least in part by issues of public health, the interests of local small businesses, and even human trafficking,” Biddy said. “In a case such as this, it is typical to collect any suspected illegal funds and enter them into evidence.”’

Read more: Shocking video shows a UC Berkeley campus cop taking all the earnings of a hot dog vendor because he didn’t have a permit – and now people are raising thousands to cover his losses

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