Silicon Valley now rapidly abandoning the philosophy of ‘free speech’ by turning to censorship, obedience and conformity

‘It’s hard to believe that anyone would support tyranny over liberty, but sadly, millions of Americans across the country do. For the most part, this embrace of an all-powerful totalitarian state like the one described in George Orwell’s 1984 comes from the progressive left, who are committed to destroying everything from the freedom of speech, to states’ rights, to the right to bear arms. It’s unfortunate that they don’t realize how precious individual liberty really is, and how the type of fundamental transformation that they so desperately want to achieve has failed everywhere it has been tried.
Slowly but surely, the Internet is becoming less free as companies like Facebook and Google look for new ways to combat what they consider to be “hate speech” or “fake news,” even if the actual content is none of those things. Truth be told, the end goal is to suppress conservative voices that do not subscribe to the progressive ideology, and in order to accomplish that, companies must first surrender their dedication and respect for the First Amendment.’
Read more: Silicon Valley now rapidly abandoning the philosophy of ‘free speech’ by turning to censorship, obedience and conformity

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