Six Lies Driving Trump’s Campaign to Create a Massive Clash with Iran

‘On Tuesday, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley gave speech a speech at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, home to many neoconservative policymakers who supported the Iraq war, declaring that Iran has violated the 2015 international agreement limiting its nuclear program.
The speech followed publication of an article by former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, also a supporter of the Iraq war, calling for repudiation of the agreement. Earlier this year, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), an Iraq war veteran, called for the White House to formally adopt a policy of “regime change” toward Iran, the largest country in the Middle East with 80 million people.
In short, the repudiation of the 2015 agreement is the first step toward a declared U.S. policy of overthrowing the government of Iran.
But why should the United States, beset with natural disasters and racial division, a losing war in Aghanistan, the folly of Iraq, and the emergence of ISIS, actively provoke another war in the Middle East?
The short answer is that U.S. allies in the region–Saudi Arabia and Israel–are Iran’s chief rivals. Neither is strong enough to attack Iran on their own.’

Read more: Six Lies Driving Trump’s Campaign to Create a Massive Clash with Iran

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