Somali militants kill 10 troops in Bulogadud base

‘The Takfiri al-Shabab militants have killed more than 10 soldiers in an attack on a base in southern Somalia.
Abdulahi Mohamed, a senior security official, said on Sunday that the assailants drove a truck loaded with explosives into the main entrance of the base in Bulogadud area before attacking the soldiers.
The militant group claimed responsibility for the deadly assault in a brief statement posted on a pro-Shabab website. The statement said “three technical vehicles were looted” in the assault.
“There was an attack on the military base in Bulogadud this morning… the initial information indicates that more than 10 soldiers were killed,” media outlets quoted Mohamed as saying. “There was a car bomb blast and gunfire followed. The forces retreated from the base initially but they later regained control.”‘
Read more: Somali militants kill 10 troops in Bulogadud base

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