Strip Uber’s licence to operate in London after it ‘failed to report sex attacks on passengers’, MPs say

‘MPs have called for taxi firm Uber to be stripped of its licence to operate in London after a string of controversies.
The cross-party group wrote a letter to Transport for London (TfL) urging it not to renew the firm’s licence when it expires at the end of the month.
The letter, signed by ten Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative MPs, claims Uber is an ‘unfit and improper operator’ after police accused it of failing to report sex attacks on passengers by drivers.
Writing to the TfL Commissioner Mike Brown, Labour MP Wes Streeting said: ‘The safety of Londoners must be at the forefront of decisions taken about the taxi and private hire industry in our capital city. We do not believe that Uber has shown itself to be a fit and proper operator.’ It comes after the Metropolitan Police accused Uber of failing to reveal at least six sex attacks and an assault.
In the 12 months to February 2017, police recorded 48 allegations of sexual assault involving Uber drivers, reported only by passengers or via TfL.’
Read more: Strip Uber’s licence to operate in London after it ‘failed to report sex attacks on passengers’, MPs say

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