Taser International Exposed Investigating Its Own Non-Lethal Weapons Deaths

‘The proliferation of non-lethal weapons is predicated largely upon the advertising of weapons makers like Taser International (now Axon) that have repeatedly asserted their products are obviously much less dangerous than traditional weapons. However, the science behind the use of these weapons has been in conflict, and investigations into Taser-related deaths have been inconsistent. Now we might understand why.
I covered some of the science behind potential Taser deaths back in 2012. One peer-reviewed study at the time, for example, concluded that supposedly non-lethal Tasers do in fact put citizens at a greater risk than without their use. Electrophysiologist, Dr. Douglas Zipes, published an article for the The American Heart Association which covered 8 cases where a 50,000 volt Electronic Control Device (TASER X26) was used and victims lost consciousness. His conclusion was that this particular non-lethal weapon could induce cardiac arrest.
The idea that literally short-circuiting someone’s nervous system could potentially lead to death shouldn’t have been surprising, but other peer-reviewed evidence, as well as lengthy investigations into real-world situations, also began to support the many wrongful death claims that have been filed against police departments.’
Read more: Taser International Exposed Investigating Its Own Non-Lethal Weapons Deaths

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