Tea, cake and a very English protest… so why send FIFTY police to tackle a few dozen anti-frackers?

‘They drink tea, eat cake and from time to time burst into song. The few dozen, predominantly retired, professionals at this very English protest hardly add up to a formidable force.
But on the fracking front line police are taking no chances.
At a time when forces up and down the country complain that they are struggling to cope because of budget cuts, North Yorkshire Police are facing accusations of mounting a ‘disproportionate’ and expensive show of strength.
Usually outnumbering – and certainly outmuscling – the grey-haired demonstrators, up to 50 police officers at a time are dealing with the protest.
The start of work to prepare for fracking at the Third Energy well at Kirby Misperton, near Pickering, has prompted the protests. This week 12 people have been arrested, mainly for obstruction of the highway or a police officer.
Many of the protesters are pensioners who gather daily outside the site gates cum rain, cum shine to express their displeasure. They fear fracking – the controversial method of mining for gas and oil – poses a threat to this beautiful and unspoilt rural area.’
Read more: Tea, cake and a very English protest… so why send FIFTY police to tackle a few dozen anti-frackers?

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