The BIG gun show! UK hosts world’s largest arms fair in London amid government’s £3.6billion weapons sales to Saudi Arabia as police arrest 100 protesters

‘Some of the world’s most sophisticated and hi-tech weaponry was showcased at controversial arms convention in London today.
Rocket launchers, armoured transport vehicles and assault rifles made up just a fraction of the huge arsenal at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) event.
And showing off those munitions were more than 1,600 exhibitors from 54 countries.
But the event has been surrounded in controversy — with Scotland Yard confirming officers arrested 100 protesters seeking to block access to the ExCel centre in London’s Docklands.
International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has defended Britain’s multibillion-pound arms export industry, warning that if countries were unable to acquire the weapons they needed legally there would be an eruption of unregulated sales.
Speaking at the opening day of the world’s biggest arms fair in London, Dr Fox said the UK had one of the most sophisticated export licensing regimes in the world, designed to ensure that British-made weaponry was not used to endanger international security.’
Read more: The BIG gun show! UK hosts world’s largest arms fair in London amid government’s £3.6billion weapons sales to Saudi Arabia as police arrest 100 protesters

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