The Illuminati

‘The Illuminati serves as ruling council to all secret societies. They encouraged US independence from Britain so that American affairs could be secretly run by the Crown without interference from British Parliament.
Its roots go back to the Guardians of Light in Atlantis, the Brotherhood of the Snake in Sumeria, the Afghan Roshaniya, the Egyptian Mystery Schools and the Genoese families who bankrolled the Roman Empire and hung Jesus Christ on the cross for exposing them. British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, who “handled” mafia-founder and 33rd Degree Mason Guiseppe Mazzini, alluded to the Illuminati in a speech before the House of Commons in 1856 warning, “There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention. I mean the secret societies. Europe…is covered with a network of secret societies just as the surfaces of the earth are covered with a network of railroads.”
The Illuminati is to these secret societies what the Bank of International Settlements is to the Eight Families central bankers. And their constituencies are exactly the same. The forerunners of the Freemasons -the Knights Templar- founded the concept of banking and created a “bond market” as a means to control European nobles through war debts. The Templars claim to possess secret knowledge that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene, fathered children and was the son of Joseph of Arimathea.’
Read more: The Illuminati

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