The Latest Israeli Aggression on Syria

‘Over night Wednesday, Israeli warplanes, operating from Lebanese air space, terror-bombed a government scientific research facility in northeastern Tartous – on the phony pretext of targeting a CW facility.
Two deaths were reported along with material damage to the site. According to Syria’s military:
“This aggression comes in a desperate attempt to raise the collapsed morale of the ISIS terrorists after the sweeping victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army against terrorism at more than one front, and it affirms the direct support provided by the Israeli entity to the ISIS and other terrorist organizations.”
Israeli media falsely claimed a chemical weapons facility was struck, citing foreign media reports.
Last month, an unpublished UN report alleged North Korean collaboration with Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center. It claimed two DPRK shipments to Syria were interdicted – with no details on when, where, or what cargo the vessels contained, with no indication of where they were heading.
Headlines by Israeli and Western media claiming Pyongyang was caught sending chemical weapons to Syria were fabricated.’
Read more: The Latest Israeli Aggression on Syria

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