The Self-Driving Vehicle Future Will Be The End Of Privacy

‘On September 6 the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill which spurs on further development of autonomous vehicles, but civil liberties advocates fear the further erosion of privacy. The so-called “SELF DRIVE Act” has been hailed as an opportunity to improve traffic safety and reduce vehicle deaths. If the bill passes the Senate and becomes law it would prevent states from passing certain laws to regulate the technology. The Hill reports the bill would also “allow car manufacturers to deploy up to 100,000 self-driving cars a year that don’t meet normal safety standards. In the first year, however, that number will be capped at 25,000.”
States would still handle vehicle registration, insurance, driver education, law enforcement and other local issues. Self-driving vehicle manufacturers will be required to include privacy protections in their vehicles.
With the advent of autonomous vehicles we must seriously think about the implications of bringing the interconnected Internet of Things into our lives on the road. The vehicles sensors will constantly be sucking up data and feeding it into the navigation system. The wide variety of data (weather, traffic, speed, location, time, date) could potentially reveal private details to the manufacturer, law enforcement, or hacker.’
Read more:  The Self-Driving Vehicle Future Will Be The End Of Privacy

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