Theresa May will offer the EU £30billion in ‘divorce payment’ to break deadlock on post-Brexit trade deal

‘The Prime Minister is gearing up to offer the EU a ‘divorce payment’ worth up to £30billion in a bid to break the deadlock on a post-Brexit trade deal.
Senior Tories believe Theresa May will use a speech in Florence on Friday to confirm that the UK is willing to continue contributing to the EU budget during a two-year transition period.
A source said the Cabinet was ‘almost unanimous’ in its support for the proposal, with only Boris Johnson arguing for a shorter transition and lower payments.
The Foreign Secretary is said to be unhappy at any deal that would pay Brussels more than £10billion. But the EU has tabled demands for as much as £90billion.’
Read more: Theresa May will offer the EU £30billion in ‘divorce payment’ to break deadlock on post-Brexit trade deal

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