Tillerson demanding Trump to ask Israel return $75million in US aid: Report

‘US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson believes Israel must return millions of dollars in military aid to America, sources say, claiming that he has already discussed the issue with President Donald Trump.
The State Department has been lobbying with the White House to convince Israel to hand back some $75 million in aid it was given last year, on top of the military aid that it receives annually, according to the Washington Free Beacon.
The then-President Barack Obama’s administration came under fire last year for trying to limit Israel’s ability to lobby with Congress for more money in case new conflicts break out in the Middle East.
Critics argued back then that extra payments were necessary in order to fund Israel’s several key military projects.
The report noted that Tillerson’s chief of staff, Margaret Peterlin, had personally advised White House National Security Council official Dina Powell about the secretary’s stance.’
Read more: Tillerson demanding Trump to ask Israel return $75million in US aid: Report

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