Trump is in pocket of Israeli regime and its agents: Analyst

‘US President Donald Trump is in the pocket of the Israeli regime and their agents in the United States who are currently in his administration, according to Walt Peretto, a writer and researcher based in Washington, DC.
“Donald Trump has been clearly anti-Muslim and pro-Israel as a candidate for president of the United States, as well a sitting president in his first year in office,” Peretto told Press TV in an interview on Monday.
“One of his first acts as president was a proposal to institute a travel ban on citizens of several Muslim-majority countries that just happened to be the same countries targeted for regime change by the Bush administration after 9/11,” he added.
“It is clear that Trump is in the pocket of the Israeli government and their agents in America who are currently in the Trump administration and over-represented in the Federal Reserve system which controls and regulates the US economy,” he continued.’
Read more: Trump is in pocket of Israeli regime and its agents: Analyst

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