Trump Threatens North Korea with ‘Effective and Overwhelming’ Military Force

‘In the wake of North Korea’s missile launch, US President Trump and his top officials have once again threatened to use military force to end the supposed threat posed by the small, economically backward country and its limited nuclear arsenal.
Speaking at an Air Force installation outside Washington, Trump condemned North Korea and declared that the US would “defend our people, our nations, and our civilization, from all who dare to threaten our way of life.”
Against the backdrop of a nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bomber, Trump told the assembled Air Force personnel:
“After seeing your capabilities and commitment here today, I am more confident than ever that our options in addressing this threat are both effective and overwhelming.”
Trump and his top officials have repeatedly stressed that “all options are on the table” and hinted the US would use its vast nuclear capability against North Korea.’
Read more: Trump Threatens North Korea with ‘Effective and Overwhelming’ Military Force

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