Two in three Japanese to vote against Abe in planned snap elections

‘A new poll carried out by Japan’s Kyodo news agency has shown that almost two-thirds of voters are against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe calling a snap election.
The results of the survey released Sunday showed that 27 percent of the respondents plan to vote for Abe’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party in the October 22 elections.
The survey comes a day before Abe is expected to announce the elections for the lower house which is going to cover proportional representation districts.
The Kyodo poll said 8 percent of voters favor the struggling main opposition Democratic Party while 6.2 percent will vote for a new party, expected to be launched this week and aligned with popular Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike. It said 42.2 percent of the voters still remain undecided about the elections.’
Read more: Two in three Japanese to vote against Abe in planned snap elections

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