U.S. military to have more ROBOT soldiers than human by the year 2025

‘Warfare is being reinvented. Like a scene out of The Terminator, the future of warfare is destined to include robot soldiers, unmanned aerial assault, and self-driving, weaponized vehicles. An $11 million contract approved by the Pentagon has been awarded to Six3 Advanced Systems. The US Department of Defense is calling on Six3 to “design, develop, and validate system prototypes for a combined-arms squad.” By the year 2025, experts predict that the U.S. military will have more robot soldiers than humans.
According to the U.S. Department of Defense directive, the new American fighting squad is meant to combine “humans and unmanned assets, ubiquitous communications and information, and advanced capabilities in all domains to maximize squad performance in increasingly complex operational environments.”’
Read more: U.S. military to have more ROBOT soldiers than human by the year 2025

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