UK should stop training Myanmar soldiers amid Rohingya Muslim ‘ethnic cleansing’ – activists

‘Britain must stop “legitimizing human rights abusers” and halt its training of Myanmar soldiers amid reports of the ongoing “ethnic cleansing” of Rohingya Muslims in the south-east Asian country, anti-arms trade activists told RT.
Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) spokesman Andrew Smith said there should be an investigation into how Britain contributes to the training of Myanmar soldiers, and what sort of impact its aid is having on ground forces.
“The Burmese military has an appalling human rights record,” CAAT spokesman Andrew Smith told RT.
“Questions need to be asked about the training being provided by the UK – what is it for and what has been its impact?
“The UK should not be strengthening or legitimizing human rights abusers.”
His comments come as a top UN human rights official claimed on Monday that Myanmar’s treatment of Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine state is a “textbook example” of ethnic cleansing.’
Read more: UK should stop training Myanmar soldiers amid Rohingya Muslim ‘ethnic cleansing’ – activists

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