UN Security Council steps up sanctions against North Korea over nuclear test

‘The United Nations Security Council unanimously stepped up sanctions against North Korea on Monday over the country’s sixth and most powerful nuclear test on September 3, imposing a ban on the country’s textile exports and capping imports of crude oil.
It was the ninth sanctions resolution unanimously adopted by the 15-member council since 2006 over North Korea’s ballistic missile and nuclear programmes.
The United States, which had proposed banning all oil imports to the Asian country, watered down an initial tougher draft resolution to win the support of Pyongyang ally China and Russia.
Boris Johnson, Foreign Secretary, welcomed the resolution. “The international community has shown it is united against the illegal and reckless acts by the North Korean regime. By adopting these new measures, we have the most stringent UN sanctions regime placed on any nation in the 21st century.’
Read more: UN Security Council steps up sanctions against North Korea over nuclear test

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