Up to 35,000 evacuated as Bali on high alert for volcanic eruption

‘Up to 35,000 people have fled a looming volcanic eruption on the island of Bali after some 300 tremors, increasing in both frequency and intensity, registered between midnight and 6am Sunday.
The Indonesian National Disaster Mitigation Agency has set up temporary shelters for evacuees and provided 14 tons of aid including food, water, tents, blankets and mattresses.
“Four days after we raised the alert level to level three, there were extraordinary tremors … the biggest since 1963. So, we raised the alert level to level four,” the head of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Kasbani, told News.com.au.
“We could not predict when the mountain will erupt,” he added. “However, we don’t know whether the eruption now will be bigger or smaller. If we see the eruption in 1963, it could take one year.”’
Read more: Up to 35,000 evacuated as Bali on high alert for volcanic eruption 

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