US activists’ homes targeted in pro-Israel intimidation campaign

‘An anonymous campaign has targeted two leaders in the Palestine solidarity movement at their homes in New York and California.
University of California, Berkeley lecturer Hatem Bazian left his house on the morning of 10 May to take his daughter to school. He grabbed a flyer that was tucked under his car’s windshield wiper and threw it in his car.
It was only after he dropped his daughter off that he took another look at the flyer and realized it featured a color photo of himself and the claim, “he supports terror.”
His picture was next to one of Rebecca Vilkomerson, the executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace, a national group that organizes for Palestinian rights.
Bazian is the chair of American Muslims for Palestine. Underneath their photos was printed the hashtag “#SketchyAlliance.”
“When I got back home I realized that every car on my street had one of these flyers,” Bazian told The Electronic Intifada.’
Read more: US activists’ homes targeted in pro-Israel intimidation campaign

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