US evacuates 22 ISIS commanders from Dayr al-Zawr: Report

‘Reports coming out of Syria suggest that US aircraft have evacuated 22 Daesh field commanders in Dayr al-Zawr as government forces are advancing against the Takfiri militants in the eastern city.
A military and diplomatic source told Russia’s Sputnik news agency on Thursday that the terrorists were taken to “safer regions” in the face of “successful actions by Syrian government troops in the eastern part of Syria in late August.”
The first evacuation operation took place on August 26, during which a “US Air Force helicopter” took two Daesh commanders of “European origin” with members of their families out of Dayr al-Zawr, the unidentified source said.
In a second such operation on August 28, US helicopters transferred 20 Daesh field commanders and militants close to them from the Syrian city, he added.’
Read more: US evacuates 22 ISIS commanders from Dayr al-Zawr: Report

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