Vaccination now scientifically linked to learning disabilities in children; vaccinated children show 520% increased risk compared to non-vaccinated

‘Recent research led by the well-known epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Mawson, has led to many shocking revelations about the risks associated with vaccination. One of the most concerning findings of this study, as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. notes, is that vaccinated children are substantially more likely to develop a learning disability.
In their study of 666 children, the team found that those who had been vaccinated were a staggering 520 percent more likely to develop a learning disability than unvaccinated children. The researchers also found that vaccinated children were 420 percent more likely to develop autism or ADHD.
To make matters worse, the findings also revealed that not all vaccines provide the protection that they claim. While vaccinated children showed a lower incidence of chicken pox and pertussis compared to unvaccinated kids, the scientists found that there were no discernible differences in illness incidence when it came to other “vaccine-preventable” diseases. ‘
Read more: Vaccination now scientifically linked to learning disabilities in children; vaccinated children show 520% increased risk compared to non-vaccinated

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