What Lyndon LaRouche had Forecast is Here

The fact that President Trump has begun to work with top Congressional Democrats since Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, in order to jointly achieve urgently-needed results for the American people, has been startling to many—but not to us. Lyndon LaRouche forecast on the occasion of his 90th birthday, just five years ago, that the “two-party system,” which was an abomination to the founders of our Constitution, was in process of being eliminated. A series of unprecedented events, totally unexpected by others, but forecast, in principle, by LaRouche, have brought us closer to that result today, than anyone else expected even as recently as just a few weeks ago!

One immediate result of this change is that it must help in the fight for Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws, starting with the restoration of the original Glass-Steagall Act, in a circumstance where this President campaigned for office pledging to restore that Act, while many leading Democrats are on record for it as well. This at a time when even the ultra-liberal Adam Smith Institute of Britain is warning of a near-term blowout of the financial system, as noted yesterday. The case could not be more urgent.

Still, the British are not going to give up on sinking this Presidency, as they never gave up on sinking Franklin Roosevelt. We must continue the campaign on the VIPS report exposing the fraud of Russiagate. Along the lines of the campaigns discussed at the Sept. 9 Manhattan EIR conference, the VIPS report should be read into the Congressional Record. President Trump should force his CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, to produce the relevant truthful documentation.

A beautiful illustration of the meaning and the inner consistency of Lyndon LaRouche’s Four New Laws of June, 2014, came to light in a Sept. 12 celebration in flood-ravaged Houston, which is reported by LaRouchePAC Policy Committee member Kesha Rogers. As she writes, an unexpectedly huge crowd of 1,000 assembled at Rice University to celebrate President Kennedy’s famous “Moon Speech” of exactly 55 years earlier, and to hear Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise. Among other telling remarks, Col. Haise recalled how the Apollo program had reinvented itself from the ground up, after tragically losing the lives of the three Apollo 1 astronauts in a spacecraft fire on the ground in 1967. I would add here that their reinvention of themselves was so successful, that in all the subsequent space missions, not one single life was lost in space until the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster of 1986.

In their monograph on “The Apollo Tradition,” Seamans and Mueller, two top Apollo administrators, said that the program implemented after the Apollo 1 tragedy required that everyone in the program—about 30-40,000 people—was repeatedly required to reinvent themselves, as new, better, and more capable people, within an interdisciplinary team framework.

To say the same thing differently—they were able, at least for a period, to vanquish mediocrity. Mediocrity kills. Here the John Kennedy tradition, the Apollo tradition, finds its place within Lyndon LaRouche’s Four New Laws.

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