Why ‘BRICS’ is the same old under another name

‘The leaders of the so-called “BRICS” nations converged on Xiamen in Southeast China this week to convene the Ninth BRICS Summit, the annual get-together for the association. And to the surprise of absolutely no one, the event kicked off with a joint declaration full of the usual mealymouthed dipolomatic gobbledygook that was immediately hailed by the members’ state-run media mouthpieces as the start of the group’s second “golden decade” and (say it with me) “paving the way for a new world order.”
But, buried in among all the feelgood diplobabble were a few nuggets of significance, as predictably undigestible as those nuggets may be.
Like the BRICS’ reaffirmation of commitment to the UN and their “sustainable development” scam, Agenda 21/2030:’
Read more: Why ‘BRICS’ is the same old under another name

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