Young Palestinian succumbs to injuries after shot by Israeli forces

‘A 21-year-old Palestinian has died of his wounds following an incident where he was shot and critically injured by Israeli military forces near a refugee camp in the southern occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem more than three weeks ago.
Issa Qaraqe, the head of the Palestinian Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs, confirmed on Sunday afternoon that Raed al-Salihi had succumbed to his wounds at an Israeli hospital, Maan news agency reported.
Qaraqe said he held the Tel Aviv regime responsible for the young man’s death. Salihi was shot in the liver during a predawn raid into Duheisha refugee camp on August 9. Another resident of the camp, Aziz Arafeh, was also shot in the leg. Salihi and Arafeh were both presumably unarmed when they were shot.’
Read more: Young Palestinian succumbs to injuries after shot by Israeli forces

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