Another Teen Dies After HPV Vaccine

I remember the moment I got the HPV vaccine. I was a young, impressionable teenager, and my mother was concerned about me being sexually active and the potential risks of HPV and cervical cancer. Like any concerned mother, she turned to a doctor, who of course recommended the HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

Now, this was years ago, so there wasn’t as much information available to the public regarding this vaccine’s potential risks. I’m telling you this because, had I known the potential risks, I definitely would not have agreed to have the vaccine. I’m sure I’m not the only person to say this, as thousands of teenagers have experienced detrimental health effects as a result of the HPV vaccine.

Despite all of the current controversy surrounding the HPV vaccine and the known potential risks (including death), thousands of girl still receive this vaccine every single year.

The Daily Mail  just published an article titled “Teenager died in her sleep weeks after being given HPV vaccine as experts reveal the lives of thousands of girls have been destroyed by the controversial jab” detailing how tons of young girls have died, become paralyzed, or experienced detrimental health effects after receiving the HPV vaccine.

19-Year-Old Dies After Receiving HPV Vaccine

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Let’s focus on one of the more recent cases regarding the effects of the controversial HPV vaccine: the death of 19-year-old Jasmin Soriat. The young student from Vienna died in her sleep but suffered a wide range of health problems after getting her second injection of the HPV vaccine.

This wasn’t necessarily random, as she experienced neurological issues since having the vaccine. Soriat unfortunately suffered respiratory failure only a few weeks after receiving the vaccine.

The forensic pathologist, Dr. Johan Missliwetz, who was court ordered to perform a second autopsy on Soriat’s body, found that the HPV vaccine could have been the cause of death.

Dr. Missliwetz explained: “I couldn’t find a reasonable cause of death but had two suspicions. One is a genetic disorder of the heart and the other one, it had to do with vaccination.”

However, when Dr. Missliwetz reported his results to the drug regulation authorities, he received countless phone calls from “senior members of the medical establishment.” He explained that these senior members were attempting to “intervene” and that many professors were reaching out to him asking him to stop talking about vaccination tests.

In regards to the bombardment of phone calls he received encouraging him not to discuss vaccines, Dr. Missliwetz said: “I’ve done thousands of autopsies but nobody called me. This was extraordinary.”

Interestingly enough, Dr. Missliwetz has now taken an “early retirement” after all of this controversy.

Other HPV Vaccine Injury Stories 

A 16-year-old British girl, Ruby Shallom, received the HPV vaccine and ended up being paralyzed in three limbs. Only a couple weeks after being vaccinated, Shallom started experiencing stomach spasms, dizziness, pain, headaches, and fatigue, ultimately losing all feeling in her legs two years later.

Her doctors refuse to acknowledge whether or not her injuries and medical problems are related to the vaccine, and instead have dismissed it as being all psychological.

Another young man named Colton suffered extreme injuries from the HPV vaccine when he was 13 years old, which started with neck pain and led to complete paralyzation. You can read more about his story in our CE article here.

You can watch his mother and him explain his devastating story here:

For more information and cases you can visit 

Reprinted with permission from Collective Evolution.

The post Another Teen Dies After HPV Vaccine appeared first on LewRockwell.

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