Stay Healthy in Hard Times

Good times, hard times, vitamins can make up for what is lacking in your daily diet as well as provide additional immune system end even emotional support. First, let’s talk about the basics you need to know about vitamins before purchasing any major supply.

  • There is a reason why some cost more than others.

A lot of us are used to buying generic medications. Why not after all? After the patent runs out on a medication all of a sudden there is more competition than before. It is basic supply and demand economics.

Vitamins are not like this. You get what you pay for up to a point. This brings us to the point that cheap vitamins often contain inferior ingredients that are not as easy for your body to uptake and absorb.

Thus although the vitamin may provide some benefit, there is reason to suspect that you might not be getting the full benefit that is claimed on the bottle.

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  • Vitamins come in a lot of special formulas.

There are vitamins designed for various age groups or that have extra herbs in them that help enhance athletic ability or help ease the symptoms of pregnancy. This doesn’t mean that you have to have a special blend to get a lot of benefit though.

A complete one a day is easiest for a lot of people but some of the vitamins that have a lot of different ingredients require up to 4 capsules to be taken a day.

  • A lot of natural brands are food based.

Food based vitamins cost more in general and make up a lot of the organic vitamin market. If you are very concerned about where your vitamins, minerals, and homeopathic herbs are coming from then you should try to buy organic or natural vitamins whenever you can.

  • Vitamins are excellent to have on hand for barter and trade during any emergency.

Hard times puts additional stress on the body and immune system. Major medical attention might be very difficult to get so anything you can do to stay healthy is very important.

Even those that are not so good about taking a daily supplement now might very well realize what a vitamin can offer them if they are trying to make it through any major crisis.

This means extra vitamin could help you get some of the things or services that you don’t have on hand during an extended survival situation.

  • Folic acid and sufficient iron is critical for those that are of child bearing age.

While I have not seen any vitamins that don’t have enough folic acid in them, it is worth mentioning the importance of choosing vitamins for hard times that are clear they provide this.

People don’t stop having children just because times are tough. Prenatal vitamins would be a nice luxury during hard times but any One A Day that has adequate iron and Folic Acid is going to help make healthy childbearing possible.

The Argument for Age Based Vitamins

Nutritional needs and concerns change throughout our lives. Children under 12 need different vitamins than adults because they are still growing and developing their bodies major organs and systems.

Seniors should usually have more calcium but be better off without large amounts of some other minerals and vitamins. Any multi vitamin is going to be good in a survival situation but you do have to be careful about children getting too much iron from taking an adult vitamin.

This can be avoided by having all in one vitamins with no added iron and then having separate iron pills if you are trying to only have a single vitamin type for emergencies. Personally I think it would be easier to use get adult vitamins and then have some other one a days put back for the kids in the family.

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The post Stay Healthy in Hard Times appeared first on LewRockwell.

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