The Revolution at Ten

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s new book, The Revolution at Ten, is a great read.  One can learn more about economics, politics, history, and the philosophy of liberty from this 130-page book than from most lengthy academic works.

Starting with the early legal codes protecting individual rights to the Magna Carta, the American Revolution, and the movement toward liberty in the 19th century,  Dr. Paul discusses how America abandoned the philosophy of limited government, free markets, and non-interventionist foreign policy in the 20th century.  Dr. Paul explains  how liberty was lost as progressives gained control over the government, began constructing a welfare state at home and a warfare state abroad. The progressive’s crusade to use state power to “perfect” America and the world was facilitated by the twin mistakes of 1913 – the creation of the income tax and the Federal Reserve.

Dr. Paul then recounts the rise of the rEVOLution in 2008 and 2012. While the media proclaims it is dead, Dr. Paul sees it as still growing as support for the ideas of Liberty continue to grow and the failures of progressivism become more obvious.

The unifying theme of the book is that we are in the last stages of the progressive era and what replaces it depends in large part on how successful we are in getting a critical mass of people to embrace liberty and join our movement.

Dr. Paul covers the major challenges facing us, including foreign policy, civil liberties, the “deep state,” climate change hysteria, and, of course, monetary policy and the Federal Reserve. My favorite chapter is on cultural marxism. Dr. Paul ties the “social justice warrior” crusade to censor all speech they deem offensive to the progressive goal of destroying civil society in order to use government power to exercise total control over individuals.

The last two chapters of the book compare the libertarian society with one governed  by “progressive” values and looks at the chaos that could come from the collapse of the Keynesian welfare-warfare state. Dr. Paul is optimistic that a free society can emerge after the next crisis. I share Dr. Paul’s optimism. Dr. Paul’s predictions should inspire us to redouble our efforts to work to grow the liberty movement and force the plot and to change course before an economic crisis leaves us no other choice.

This is one of those books you likely will want to buy multiple copies of — one to keep for yourself and several to give to both those in need of a quick introduction to the ideas of  liberty, and those already involved in the movement who could use something to inspire them to get up the fight.

Remember, if you join Campaign for Liberty’s Patriot Club before October 24, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of ten autographed copies of Dr. Paul’s new book. You can join here.

You can purchase a copy of the book (unsigned) here.

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