The Sunshine Hormone

This book has made a positive contribution to my own health in the past few months. I hope the ideas presented of the human body’s needs for a more efficient level of nutritional intake will be widely read. The principles in this book have made a marked difference in my own health since March 2012.

On March 3,2012 I experienced excruciating pain and an ugly rash around the upper part of my body. This condition necessitated a quick trip to a hospital emergency room one evening. The condition was diagnosed as “typical T-4 Shingles,” Herpes Zoster, that often occurs as an aftermath of a long-forgotten childhood bout with Chicken Pox!

In that ER, I received prescriptions for an anti-bacterial cleanser for treating the rash, and a strong pain medication, as well as advice that maybe an anti-histamine would be helpful in coping with the painful rash. The pain medication had horrible side effects, and barely diminished the pain of the rash. The anti-histamine just made me sleepy, and did little else. I was reminded of something my mother once said after a long time of coping with various medical treatments:
She said: “Now I understand why doctors call it ‘practicing’ medicine, because they just keep on practicing, never really getting it just right.”

At the end of three months my symptoms had improved only slightly. The rash was healed, but there remained deep pain where the rash had appeared, and there was deep scarring from that rash. I was told by my doctor that I could not receive a vaccination against a future onset of Shingles as long as I experienced any symptoms of this attack. I also learned from my internet search that the pain could last the rest of my lifetime, because I am elderly. Very discouraging.

This information and continued pain caused me to explore the internet for more information. I found information about how to strentthen one’s basic immune system, including data on which supplements to include to accomplish this. That is how I found this book, “The Vitamin D Revolution.” This information has been most valuable to me in overcoming the Shingles symptoms, and seems to have brought significant improvement in my arthritic feet as well! I now have very little pain. I am so grateful for the information in this book.

This book is well-written, easy to read, and worth the reading time, especially if one needs treatment that is more than just a prescription to alleviate symptoms. The information in this book can actually bring about cures of many of our common ailments. Trust me. I am living proof that it is true, based on good science and great results.

One of the best things about this book is that it was offered.

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The post The Sunshine Hormone appeared first on LewRockwell.

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