The Truth About Lincoln’s War

All of the Regnery Politically Incorrect Books are worth owning, sharing, spreading around. With the way history is constantly being revised and re-written, it is refreshing to just get the facts, without a lot of looking-through-the-rear-view-mirror. It makes me just want to come up screaming with what the media get away with twisting facts to suit their personal agenda. This is a very well-written, well-documented and FACTUAL book. Recommended for anyone who wants to know the truth.

–Brion McClanahan, Ph.D. in American History, University of South Carolina:

“The only way this idiosyncratic take on the wa-wuh could be any better is if we’d won. Even Harry Crocker couldn’t do that, but he has written a witty book full of history and insight. If I’d ever gotten around to joining the United Daughters of the Confederacy, I bet my chapter would thank him. Yankees will enjoy it, too.”

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