Wednesday Was a Very Active Day in Our War To Stop the Mueller Coup

WGBH, Boston’s Public Radio station, carried an expose on Robert Mueller demonstrating that he is more akin to “Tomas de Torquemada” (the Grand Inquisitor) than “the choir boy he is touted to be.” The piece was written by Harvey Silverglate, Boston’s legendary criminal defense and civil liberties champion, who is known nationally for his defense of the Constitution. Silverglate detailed how Mueller once tried to entrap him by running a sting on him when Mueller was the U.S. Attorney in Boston. Prosecutors going after defense lawyers directly is considered by the bar to be the equivalent of deliberately targeting paramedics on the battle field, a demonstration of zealotry far outside the bounds of the permissible.

Silverglate goes on to recount a meeting with Mueller at the Justice Department concerning the Jeffrey MacDonald case, which many consider to be a wrongful conviction of an innocent man. At a meeting called to explore possible law enforcement misconduct in the case, Mueller walked in and announced, “Gentlemen: Criticism of the Bureau is a Non Starter.” Silverglate goes on to attack the General Counsel statute as a constitutional abomination, endorse Alan Dershowitz’s analysis that no crimes have been committed by the President based on what has been reported to date, but notes, “Mueller’s demonstrated zeal and ample resources virtually assure that indictments will come, even in the absence of crimes rather than behavior which is simply politics as usual.”

The impact of our mobilization and public disgust with the Russiagate charade are also demonstrated in the CNN Story, “GOP calls grow to end Russia investigations in Congress this year.” The lead: “A growing number of key Republicans are sending this message to leaders of the congressional committees investigating potential Trump collusion with Russians: Wrap It Up Soon.” Although it doesn’t have the poetic ring of “Suck It Up, Move On,” we are, of course, dealing with Republicans. Senator James Risch of the Intelligence Committee said, “Nobody wants to move this so quickly that we miss something,” but added, “The question is how many weak leads can you follow?” Watermelon head Adam Schiff countered that the Committees involved were trying to “rush” the now nine-month-old investigation. Schiff’s remarks were characterized as “nuts” by Committee Republicans, according to CNN, who accused Democrats of trying to extend the “fishing expedition” into the midterm elections. The report otherwise makes clear that sharp public demands for an end to this hoax are beginning to be felt. Last Friday’s call for investigation of Mueller was not some sort of “one off.” We just have to increase that pressure.

The latest example of a grotesque “go fish” based on brazenly fake leads which can readily be demonstrated to be such, has been provided by former oligarch and British intelligence spawn Mikhail Kordokofsky. He claims that Jared Kushner was intimately tied to bankers who are “close to Putin.” The reader might assume that Kordokofsky is an unbiased private individual. But Kordokovsky’s Open Russia movement and the Institute for Modern Russia are open intelligence fronts for British and NATO intelligence and the NED in the U.S. They have been critical to fomenting the anti-Putin hysteria in the U.S., with open support from both British and NATO intelligence.

Otherwise, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, with the Democrats still trying to pump the impeachment narrative, but to little effect. Sessions caught Senator Richard Blumenthal in an outright lie, to the effect that Sessions had been interviewed by Special Counsel Mueller when he had not. The Attorney General also engaged in a heated back-and-forth with Senator Franken about Sessions’s limited interactions with former Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Franken, demonstrating his best infantile rage-ball persona, basically accused the Attorney General of perjury, and Sessions defended himself

In general, the Republicans countered the Democrats’ kabuki show by inviting Sessions to defend Comey’s firing, which he did well, focusing on Comey’s draft exoneration statement concerning Hillary Clinton before the FBI had even interviewed her, and on the suppressed FBI investigation of Russia’s purchase of U.S. uranium, and bribery and corruption allegations concerning the Clinton Foundation which accompanied that purchase.

All of this nonsense on the Judiciary Committee while the nation drowns in an opium epidemic, which is killing more and more people daily. While this did receive some attention from the Committee with jurisdiction to discuss and legislate about it, it was a sidelight to the continued insane braying at the moon by Committee Democrats.

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