Down the Memory Hole

The country is shocked, shocked that the DNC colluded with the Hillary campaign to anoint her as their nominee. In her 2015 caper, Clinton made a backroom deal with the DNC. In 2008, Barack Obama used outright election fraud and thuggery, the tried and true Chicago methods. to steal the nomination directly from the voters.  When he got far enough, the DNC pressured Hillary’s pledged superdelegates to violate their voters’ wishes and award Obama an unearned victory.

Obama’s illegal shenanigans in the 2008 Democrat primaries were far worse than Clinton’s – and will never be widely reported.

It’s an odd experience to dig this information out of the memory hole.  No Democrat cares: no party leaders, no members of Congress, no journalists, and no ordinary people.  Democrats do not care about  rule of law or fair elections.  All of them feel morally entitled to win.  That is the corrupting influence of their identity politics that tars political opponents as moral reprobates.

Time to buy old US gold coins

Democrat primaries show us who they are: their will to power trumps every other value.  Progressives want permanent power, not a functioning republic.    They don’t accept fair and free elections – witness their dirty attempts to overturn the last one and deprive Trump voters of their victory.

As Hillary might say, Democrat corruption, Hollywood corruption – it takes a village.

Like the revelations of Harvey Weinstein’s abuses, one big dog gets punished, while the even bigger dog – Bill Clinton for sexual abuse, Barack Obama for political abuse – remains untouchable.

documentary by Hillary supporters on Obama’s cheating and abuse was reported on Fox & Friends only in 2010; at the time of the election, no one would cover their complaints. Read about ithere.

In one documentary interview, civil rights activist Helene Latimer recounts seeing an elderly woman being intimidated at the polls. “As she approached the entrance way to go into the building, one of the young men said to her, ‘If you’re not voting for Obama, go home because you’re not voting here today.’”

“It’s our right as Americans to be able to vote and everybody was alerted, we went to press, we went to Fox, we went to CNN, nobody wanted to hear the story (in 2008),” Gaston told Fox’s Alisyn Camerota. “Nobody wants to deal with this.”

From “How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination”:

… the Obama Campaign… encouraged and created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them out of their polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote.

Political junkies will recall that Obama gained crucial momentum after his surprise win of the Iowa primary.  He won in Iowa by breaking the law and busing in supporters to vote.  Everyone in Iowa could see it with their own eyes – and that includes the entire national press corps.

Dr. Long spent several months studying the caucus and primary results, published here.

“After studying the procedures and results from all 14 caucus states… my conclusion is that the Obama campaign willfully and intentionally defrauded the American public by systematically undermining the caucus process,” she said.

In Hawaii, caucuses ended up with more ballots than participants.  In Nevada, Obama supporters upturned a wheelchair-bound woman who wanted to caucus for Hillary.  They flushed Clinton ballots down the toilets.  Union members were told they could vote only if their names were on the list of Obama supporters.

Two thousand Texas Democrats filed official complaints, in outrage and total frustration, against Obama’s lawless tactics. The party acknowledged that the Obama campaign’s actions “amount to criminal violations” and ordered them to be reported to state and federal law enforcement.  Nothing happened.

Thanks to these and other strong-arm tactics, Obama won victories in all but one of the caucuses, even in states such as Maine where Hillary had been leading by double digits in the polls.

Bernie Sanders supporters are justifiably angry that the superdelegates gave the nomination to Hillary.  The Washington Post reports in 2008 Hillary won the popular vote in the nomination process.  She was neck and neck with Obama in the delegate count.  Yet the DNC pressured the superdelegates who were pledged to Hillary to flip their votes.  From the Washington Post:

In 2008, the superdelegates became infamous — and essential. That year, as in this one, they helped the party’s front-runner cross the threshold by releasing endorsements around the final primary.  The irony was that the 2008 election, a near-tie, ended with pro-Clinton superdelegates flipping to support then-Sen. Barack Obama.

The Post makes it sound like the superdelegates flipped themselves.  Hillary delegates tell us the  DNC did the deed:

Basically, the delegations would meet and the leadership would say, ‘We need to vote for Obama. You need to basically switch your vote from Hillary to Obama.’ Even though in some 16 or 14 states it was required by law that the delegation needed to vote for the candidate that they represented on the first ballot. Those state party chairs were still manipulating that delegation to break the law and vote for Obama.”

As early as April, Virginia’s party leaders pressured their superdelegates:

Another Clinton superdelegate, senior Democratic strategist Mame Reiley, said she understood targeting undecided superdelegates, but including longtime Clinton supporters only created ill will.  “If we wanted to have a nominee decided in June then we’d have scheduled the convention in June,” Reiley said. “It sort of makes me wonder what they’re afraid of.”

In May 2008, Hillary wrote to the superdelegates, begging them to respect the popular vote.

As we reach the end of the primary season, more than 17 million people have supported me in my effort to become the Democratic nominee – more people than have ever voted for a potential nominee in the history of our party. … And with 40 and 35 point margins of victory, it is clear that even when voters are repeatedly told this race is over, they’re not giving up on me – and I am not giving up on them either.

Clinton trounced Obama by half a million Democrat votes in the 2008 Democrat primaries.  She bettered him among women, seniors, Latinos, the working class, those earning less than $50,000 and first-time voters.  Clinton won the primaries where it is harder to cheat; Obama’s delegate count was based on his fraudulent caucus wins.  Polls showed Clinton beating McCain and Obama losing.  Rasmussen showed Clinton was more competitive than Obama by 16 points.  Yet 100% of the superdelegates threw the nomination to the weaker, less popular candidate.

Read the Whole Article

The post Down the Memory Hole appeared first on LewRockwell.

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